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How Can I Manage Osteoarthritis ?

Exercise and Be Active

Swimming and Cycling! Studies show that non-bearing exercises are good for joint and muscle. Most importantly, it helps to maintain a healthy weight!

Strengthening exercises are particularly good for OA-affected joints. Why? Muscles have to be strong enough to support or else your joint takes most of the pressures.

This may wear out your joint sooner than you think. Talk to your physiotherapist before starting an exercise program and convince yourself to start a simple one. Don’t be lazy!

Manage Your Weight

Body weight is always associated with the wear and tear rate of a knee joint. Lesser calories may help in reducing OA pain and delay further joint degeneration. You should target your BMI between 18.5 and 24.9. How do you calculate BMI?

Simply divide your weight (in KG) by your height in metres (m), then divide the answer by your height again!

Are you overweight? Reduce calories, exercise more.

Assistive Devices

Yes. Walkers, canes, splints, knee braces could help in reducing and maximising knee function. However, it is important to get a good one (does not mean that an expensive one). It should fit your knees comfortably and be aware of allergies, if any. Custom knee braces or shoe wedges are normally fitted by a trained person.

Dietary Supplements and Alternative Therapies

Many people have tried out different methods (ineffective) and decided to go with natural and alternative therapies. Yes it helps. Sometimes. These include acupuncture, dietary supplements, foot massage, dry needling and etc. However, it is advisable to consult your medical practitioner prior to receiving alternative treatments.

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1 Comment

Aug 01, 2018

Thanks for the info!

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